Transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization is an alternative to operative hemorrhoidectomy

Sohn N., Aronoff J.S., Cohen F.S., Weinstein M.A.
AJS VOLUME 182, ISSUE 5, P515-519, NOVEMBER 01, 2001

Transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization (THD), a new approach for patients who would otherwise require an operative hemorrhoidectomy, accomplishes hemorrhoidal symptom relief with far less postoperative pain than an operative hemorrhoidectomy.

THD, an ambulatory procedure, employs a specially designed proctoscope coupled with a Doppler transducer to allow identification and suture ligation of the hemorrhoidal arteries.

Sixty patients between ages 22 and 87 were treated. Bleeding was fully corrected in 88%, protrusion in 92%, and pain in 71%. Two patients (3%) failed to improve with THD. Complications included pain resulting in greater than 2 days loss of work in 5 patients, postoperative perirectal thromboses developed in 4 patients, and an anal fissure developed in 1 patient.

THD was an effective alternative to operative hemorrhoidectomy. It may be the only option for patients where an operative hemorrhoidectomy is contraindicated because of incontinence.
